Greetings from Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Beta Eta Chapter.
Welcome to our official chapter website! This year the chapter will celebrate 91 years of scholarship, sisterhood, and service to ALL Mankind. We are so grateful to have been able to serve the Ann Arbor community for so many years. We strive to make a meaningful and lasting impact on our campus community through our biannual Skee Week events, which highlight our six International targets, community outreach and service events, AKAdemics study sessions, and our annual Fantasy in Pink Scholarship Ball. Our chapter has been awarded several times on the Regional Level of our sorority, including Outstanding Undergraduate Chapter, Outstanding Chapter Semester Average, and Outstanding Undergraduate Website. Several of our members have gone on to hold Regional and International positions within the Sorority. We aim to surpass our previous achievements and continue to uplift our campus community! Please continue to check our website for updates on chapter accomplishments and upcoming events. On this website, you can find information regarding programming, service projects, chapter officers, and committee chairmen. Feel free to connect with us on Instagram (@akabetaeta)! - Chapter President Kennedy Plummer |